
Claire Forlani and Dougray Scott Get Married

Dougray & Claire都沉寂了一段時間,目前看來倒是蓄勢待發,加油!

Claire Forlani and Dougray Scott Get Married

Dougray Scott who played Ian (Susan Mayer's ex-fiance) on Desperate Housewives has tied the knot with actress Claire Forlani.

Desperate Housewives actor Dougray Scott and actress Claire Forlani wed in a private civil ceremony in Italy on Friday (07/06/08), PEOPLE has learned.

"They're both very excited," a source says about the newlyweds.

Forlani wore a custom-made strapless gown with a "classic, Old Hollywood feel" by designer Junko Yoshioka for Bonaparte-NY, says the source. She completed her look with a crystal hair pin by Swarovski and Jimmy Choo heels.

The bride’s father, Pierluigi, is Italian and helped his daughter plan the festivities for more than 100 guests. He told Italian newspaper Il Resto del Carlino that, at the reception at the family’s country home in Pievebovigliana, "I will be the official cook of the event."

The couple met a year and a half ago through a mutual friend. Scott, 41, proposed to Forlani, 35, in Los Angeles in September. "It was very romantic," Scott, who presented Forlani with a ring he designed, told PEOPLE. "I feel so lucky to have met her. She’s an amazing actress and human being. I’m very happy."

Scott recently played Teri Hatcher’s love interest on Housewives. Next up for the Scottish actor, who also starred in Mission: Impossible II, is the World War II movie The Cone Gatherer with Emily Watson.

Forlani has a recurring role on CSI: New York. She’s also appeared in films including Mallrats and Meet Joe Black.

克萊兒馥蘭妮 與男友道格瑞結婚了

曾經來台拍攝洗髮精廣告的女星克萊兒馥蘭妮(Claire Forlani),在義大利與男友道格瑞史考特(Dougray Scott)結婚,這是克萊兒當第一次當新娘,道格瑞史考特則曾有過一段婚姻,並與前妻生有一男一女雙胞胎。



在婚禮上克萊兒穿著具有古典風格的婚紗,腳上則是Jimmy Choo名牌鞋,髮上繫著施華洛世奇的水晶髮帶,看來美麗無比,站在英俊帥氣的道格瑞身旁,宛如一對璧人,一旁觀禮賓客見到兩人深情一吻,爆出熱烈的掌聲。

以往曾演出「不可能的任務2」(Mission: Impossible II)中大反派的道格瑞史考特,去年在「慾望師奶」(Desperate Housewives)第3季中飾演泰莉海契(Teri Hatcher)的新男友,頗受女性觀眾歡迎。克萊兒去年也在「CSI犯罪現場:紐約」(CSI:NY)中露臉,同樣很有好評。夫妻兩都是影視圈搶手的演員,未來將持續跨領域發展。


聯合報 2007.06.10

tag: Dougray Scott, 道格瑞史考特, Claire Forlani, 克萊兒馥蘭妮

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