
Josh Lucas居然選擇了"Will & Grace"倒數第二集來客串,還飾演他自己-Josh Lucas。


Jack在酒吧遇見Josh Lucas,非常興奮的和Josh打招呼。然後…

JACK: Oh, my God, I'm such a huge fan, I love your work.

JOSH: Okay, who do you think I am?

JACK: Josh Lucas.

JOSH: Then thank you. That's the first time today. I've had three Matthew McConaugheys, two Aaron Eckharts, and a Thomas Jane, whoever that is. Oh, I know you. You're Jack McFarland. You play Chuck Rafferty on "The Badge."

JACK: Why, I am and I do. Heh-heh. But how would you know that? It hasn't aired yet.

JOSH: Yeah, I was up for that part. I'd do anything to get out of big-budget features and in to basic cable. I heard you blew everybody away, though.

JACK: Ugh. That's the story they're telling? Hey, we're having a premiere party tomorrow night. Why don't you come on by?

JOSH: Sure. Should I bring my girlfriend?

JACK: Uh... If by "girlfriend" you mean "open mind to experimenting," then yes.

Matthew McConaughey - 這我可以理解,因為第一次在<Sweet Home Alabama>看到Josh時,第一個想的就是這男的和Matthew McConaughey好像哦!

Aaron Eckhart - 嗯,除了金髮,有像嗎?Aaron比較粗礦、陽剛些,比較不適合文藝片。

Thomas Jane - 我怎麼一直忽略這個名字啊!當這個名字被喚出來,我才驚覺這兩人的相像不下於Matthew McConaughey和Michael Vartan。想當初看<The Sweetest Thing>時,也吸引了我不少的目光,更從此記下了這個名字。或許他後續的作品中,並未深得我心,印象也就逐漸模糊。不過現在的他看起來也和過去相差許多。 (又,原來TJ娶了Patricia Arquette啊?看來我的消息真不靈通,老是忘了Patricia不再是Mrs. Cage)

Josh劇中那句"whoever that is"也很狠,在在顯示Thomas Jane名氣不如Matthew、Aaron來的大。嗯,台詞中也沒提到Michael Vartan,可能是因為名氣太小,連編劇也想不起來。(MV會輸給Thomas Jane?)




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"Will & Grace" Season 8 Episode 22 - IMDB
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