為了替下季將推出的spin-off舖陳,Chris O'Donnell先行客串了兩集《NCIS》(S6E22/23)。厚,好興奮呦~只有兩集當然是不過癮的啦!真希望洐生劇趕快推出吧!可以長期且固定地看到Chris O'Donnell,實在是件幸福的事。
Mr. O'Donnell,趕快努力工作養活你那一大家子人吧!!!
其實,我根本沒看《NCIS》耶!故事線也完全不清楚。本來是想為了Mark Harmon而追看此劇的,於是從第五季開始看了幾集,最後卻由於跟不上進度以及人物關係搞不懂,還是放棄收場!其實有點可惜的,因為Mark Harmon實在是太對婕兮口味的熟男啊!老了還那麼帥!!!放眼時下刑案劇的大頭們,大概只有《Criminal Minds》的Thomas Gibson可以和他比帥吧! BUT,此劇除了Mark Harmon外,好像再沒半個人吸引我了!
雖然說這兩集片頭掛著的還是《NCIS》,但骨子裡賣的全都是Spin-Off《NCIS:Los Angeles》的人事物耶!從小組成員的個性、特質到組長Macy與Gibbs的過去都作了牽連及了結。除了Macy,核心人物Callen還是Gibbs的生死交,中老年帥哥交手,超養眼。呵~雖然歷史是硬掰上以加深了兩邊人物的牽連,這是要意謂以後會時常crossover嗎?不過十八年耶!時間點會不會編的太長啊!十八年前的Macy和Callen應該還是孩子吧!
Chris O'Donnell飾演G. Callen。OSP中最聰明、機智、反應靈敏,以及帥到爆錶的探員!!
Callen是OSP的第二把交椅,負責臥底的工作。感覺上,Callen應該是隊中較我行我素的角色,不過或許由於他的經驗及機智,Macy倒還挺放任他的厚~一出場時,Macy對Callen的失聯彷彿是見怪不見。我最喜歡他在Nick公寓遇見Shakira那時,立刻機智地將自己又帶回Liam的身份,Cool!!!! 當然也充份反應了這個角色在長常因為臥底所需,而發展出能冷靜地即時溶入各種環境的特質。
Lara Macy是OSP的領導人物。她和Gibbs在十八年前有著剪不斷、理還亂的情感糾葛。糟糕,害我想看兩人的後續發展囉!她和Callen之間的交情似乎也挺深厚的。Macy包容Callen的行為;而Callen亦稱她為家人。喔!好溫馨呦~
外勤人員除了Callen外,還有Sam Hanna和Kensi Blye以及Mike Renko。Sam曾經是海豹部隊的一員。在OSP負責屬於攻堅、突擊的工作。雖然是很陽剛的角色,但我覺得他的名字卻好女性化呦~。Kensi應該就是以外形取勝的探員。哈~這招對男性嫌犯很管用呦!至於內勤部分,心理分析員Nate Getz很可愛。一直偷偷地分析老闆Macy和Gibbs之間的關係,最後還做了和事佬。感覺上有點像是《Criminal Minds》中的Reid。最後一個是技術員Eric Beal,他和他那些可愛的「玩具」可是讓《NCIS》的McGee羨幕又忌妒許久哦!
根據TV Guide以及WIKI的報導,"Louise Lombard, who had been confirmed to play the role of lead agent Lara, will not appear in the new series."。看來,OSP不是另尋主管,就是Callen要升級了!還有,Barrett Foa飾演的Eric Beal看來也不會在正式影集中出現了!所以,等到完成品真正出現時,和先前的"Legend"還是會有很大的出入。
- CBS Official
"NCIS: Los Angeles" - IMDB
"NCIS: Los Angeles" - WIKI
"NCIS: Los Angeles" - TV.com
'NCIS': Cooler toys at OSP, less chemistry• Special Agent G. Callen is a mystery, and I want to explore.
Chris O'Donnell was one of about six actors on NCIS exec producer Shane Brennan's wish list for Callen. I'll admit I wasn't quite feeling him -- until the end of the episode, when he was in front of the mirror transforming into arms dealer Liam. It was a combination of the steely look on his face and the voiceover of operational psychologist Nate Getz (Peter Cambor) explaining the meaning of "Legend." It's the backstory that an undercover agent creates in his mind for his role. It runs so deep it includes a fictional family. Callen doesn't know who his real family is (and as Brennan told us, he doesn't even know what the 'G' stands for in his name). No wonder it's easy for him to become someone else. He's like a blank slate, which is sort of how I see O'Donnell, too. Even though I had a huge crush on him after Circle of Friends, I never felt the need to read about him. I have no idea what his personality is like in real life. (And before you say, "Does he have one?" He must.) He's difficult to read, which will work well for Callen when he's operational -- and when we're trying to figure out how damaged he is from his past. (I was surprised by how physically affectionate he was with Gibbs, who apparently saved his ass when they worked together in Serbia years ago, and by how he referred to the OSP team as his family. Unexpected for someone who's a loner by nature, but necessary for any show that's going to be compared to NCIS.) I'll continue to warm to O'Donnell if he keeps bringing those intense stares and has chemistry with LL Cool J. Hanna is supposed to be very protective of Callen when they're in the field. The spinoff's success -- we'll know May 20 if it's picked up -- will hinge largely on their interaction and making sure that LL isn't in front of a touch screen all the time.
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