
Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe have separated. The couple's rep released a statement to TMZ Monday morning that says "We are saddened to announce that Reese & Ryan have decided to formally separate. They remain committed to their family and we ask that you please respect their privacy and the safety of their children at this time."

Sources tell TMZ Witherspoon has contacted celebrity divorce lawyer Robert Kaufman, who has represented Jennifer Aniston, Roseanne and Lisa Marie Presley.

Sources say Witherspoon spoke with Kaufman about divorcing Ryan Phillippe, her husband of seven years. The couple has two children. They met at Witherspoon's 21st birthday party.

As for why Witherspoon contacted Kaufman, we're told it was not triggered by one event. Rather, one connected source says it was "cumulative."

Divorce papers have not yet been filed.

雖然我不喜歡大家總以Mr. Witherspoon來看待Ryan,雖然他們當初走在一塊時讓我吃了一驚,雖然Reese不是我最初認為和Ryan登對的佳人。但,我也不希望他倆走到今天這一步。


這些年來我一直希望他的事業能和Reese並駕其驅,而不是希望仳離,上天大概搞錯我的願望了!難道Ryan一定得和Dennis Quaid一樣,離了婚才能有好事業?Anyway,我還是希望Ryan的事業能看俏,一如我之前所願。


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